1. Definitions

The definitions of accident and near miss used for the purposes of this form are adapted from ISO 45001:2018.

Accident - An occurrence arising out of, or in the course of, work that does result in an injury

Near Miss - An occurrence arising out of, or in the course of, work that could result in an injury


  • OEM -Original Equipment Manufacturer (car maker)
  • HUB OPERATOR -Any company that is responsible for the movement of the cars within a specific yard/compound
  • LSP -Logistics Service Provider meaning company that transports cars with own or subcontracted trucks.

2. Scope

The online incident report form was developed by the ECG Health & Safety Working Group to gather information about significant accidents or near misses, occurrences which had a high potential to result in a significant accident. The aim is to issue a yearly report from the information gathered and promote industry-wide knowledge about the most common significant accidents and enhance prevention.

3. Structure of the online form

Page Content
1 Location
2 Administrative details
3 Circumstances
4 Severity
5 Injured person
6 Tractor and trailer data
7 Incident description, Pictures, Videos
8 Submit the report

4. FAQs

Who can use the ECG online accident reporting tool?

  • Logistic Service Provider (Member/non-Memberof ECG)
  • Original Equipment Manufacturer
  • Hub Operator

Who shouldreport on the accidents?

When an accident happens, the employer of the injured person should report on the accident. In case of subcontractors, it is the responsibility of tier 1 contractor/main contractor to report on the accident. The main contractor may delegate the subcontractor to fill in the report.

Can I forward the accident report?

On Page 8 of the online report, you can choose to forward the report to other parties e.g. OEMs.

When should I report on an accident?

Within 5 working days.

Who has access to the data about accidents reported on?

ECG Secretariat

Who analyses the data about accidents reported on?

The ECG H&S WG Incident reporting team

What data will be analyzed?

Only data regarding the circumstances of the accident will be analyzed (pages 3 to 7). The administrative details and location data (pages 1-2) will remain confidential and will not be shared with third parties.